Sunday, November 3, 2019

Beauty is business

How to Look Your Best Every Day.

Looking your best every day includes everything from good hygiene to clothing choices and how you take care of yourself. It takes effort to achieve your best appearance, but it’s easy to do and maintain once you are in the habit of it. Start by perfecting your personal grooming and then work on incorporating more stylish pieces into your wardrobe. Then, take a look at how you might improve your appearance using healthy habits.
Method One of Three:

Improving Your Grooming Habits
Take a shower every day and whenever you’re sweaty. Taking a daily shower will help you to look and feel your best, so work this into your daily routine. Try taking a shower right after you wake up, after exercising, or before going to bed at night as a relaxing way to end your day. Use a mild soap or body wash to cleanse your skin, especially under your arms and your groin area. Then, rinse thoroughly and dry yourself off with a clean, dry towel.
Try applying moisturizer right after your shower. This will help to lock the moisture into your skin to keep it feeling soft.
Develop a facial skincare routine that works for you. A basic skincare routine involves cleansing your face, using a toner, and moisturizing your face twice daily. However, you may need to adjust your skincare routine based on your skin type, such as by washing your face 3 times daily if you have oily skin or only using toner once per day if you have dry or sensitive skin.
If you're prone to acne, choose skincare products that include anti-acne ingredients, such as benzoyl peroxide and retinol.
Some people also include exfoliation in their skincare routines, but try not to exfoliate more than twice per week as too much can irritate your skin.
Brush your teeth at least twice daily. Use a fluoride toothpaste to brush your teeth for 2 minutes after each meal or at least twice daily. Brush the front, back, and sides of all of your teeth. Then, follow brushing with flossing to get in between your teeth.
You may also consider using a whitening toothpaste or whitening strips to make your teeth look brighter.

Shampoo your hair every 2 days. You don’t need to shampoo your hair every day, but washing your hair with shampoo once every other day or every third day is important to control oil and keep your hair looking its best. Use a shampoo that suits your hair type and follow it up with conditioner.
You can also use dry shampoo on days when you don’t wash your hair to help perk it up.
Trim your fingernails once per week to keep them looking neat. Use nail clippers and a nail file to trim down your nails and shape them with a nail file to neaten the edges. You can also apply clear nail polish to make your nails look shiny, or apply a colorful nail polish, if you like.
Try giving yourself a manicure once per week for beautiful looking nails.
Blessedglobalt cares about you

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