What exactly is personality?
How does understanding your own personality help you gain greater insight into your emotional well-being? Personality is something that people often describe, yet many do not fully understand exactly what the scientific study of personality is all about. It is your unique personality that makes you who you are and influences everything from your relationships to the way you live.
Personality psychology is one of the largest and most popular branches of psychology.
Psychologists strive to understand how personality develops as well as how it influences the way we think and behave. This area of psychology seeks to understand personality and how it varies among individuals as well as how people are similar in terms of personality.
Psychologists also assess, diagnose, and treat personality disorders that can interfere with an individual's day-to-day life.
What Is Personality?
What is it that makes you who you are? Certainly, many factors contribute to the person you are today, including your genetics, your upbringing, and your life experiences.
Many would argue that what truly makes you unique is the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make up your
personality .
While there is no single agreed upon definition of personality, it is often thought of as something that arises from within the individual and remains fairly consistent throughout life. It encompasses all of the thoughts, behavior patterns, and social attitudes that impact how we view ourselves and what we believe about others and the world around us.
Understanding personality allows psychologists to predict how people will respond to certain situations and the sorts of things they prefer and value.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Friday, November 29, 2019
Who are you?
The Mind, Soul and Spirit
The words Mind, Soul and Spirit are often used interchangeably. In most cases people have only a superficial understanding of these words and no concrete idea of their true nature. Here we will try to give a short answer to the questions:
“what is Spirit?”,
“what is Soul?”
and “what is Mind?”
“Human beings consist of a consciousness, a spirit and a soul, all of which were created through the will of God (Buddha), and the central core of the soul is the mind”
From the book: The Laws of the Sun
What is spirit?
“Spirit” is essentially formless intelligent energy, which has become individualized by the splitting of God’s energy. This spiritual energy is the source of all living beings: humans, animals, plants, and even minerals. However, the spirits of animals and plants are not as individualized and advanced as those of humans.
In other words, each human spirit has an expressed individuality and the ability to think, whilst, animal and plant spirits usually live as collective consciousnesses. How individual they become depends on the level of each spirit’s consciousness.
What is the soul?
We call “Soul” the part of the spirit that takes the form of the physical body it dwells in. It is in this form that the spirit undertakes spiritual refinement on Earth. The spirit is freer in form compared to the soul which, being lodged inside the human body, has a distinctive human shape and its own individuality.
What is the mind?
The mind is the center of the soul, and the core of the spiritual body. To spiritual sight, when the mind is in its original state, it looks like a perfectly shaped ball about one foot in diameter located at the center of the soul, near the heart. Different areas in the mind govern will, emotion, intellect and reason. Running through the body from the stomach, the heart, and the brain is the part that controls spiritual wisdom and it connects the person with his/her brother and sister souls in the spiritual world, or in other words, his/her “subconsciousness”.
The true nature of the mind
The Soul originates from God and essentially possesses the same qualities as God. God is essentially light itself and this light is not like the light of a lamp; it has attributes such as love, compassion, wisdom, and prosperity, which shine like the facets of a diamond. The internal quest to understand the true nature of the diamond within us is the true objective of spiritual discipline.
What is good and what is evil?
The answer to the question, “Is it part of the soul’s nature to think and do evil?” is both “Yes” and “No.” It is “Yes” because the soul has been granted full freedom to think and create in any direction. But the answer is “No” because to do evil or to produce hell is not part of the original aim of the soul.
However, we can create dark, dank regions in our minds and cut ourselves off from God’s (Buddha’s) light with negative thoughts such as complaint, anger, jealousy and envy, as well as selfish thoughts and our desire for self-preservation. It is as a result of our own choices that we create clouds in our mind, block out the light, and live in darkness. That is why we must reflect on our thoughts and deeds and remove these clouds of thought to restore our mind to its original, shining state.
The words Mind, Soul and Spirit are often used interchangeably. In most cases people have only a superficial understanding of these words and no concrete idea of their true nature. Here we will try to give a short answer to the questions:
“what is Spirit?”,
“what is Soul?”
and “what is Mind?”
“Human beings consist of a consciousness, a spirit and a soul, all of which were created through the will of God (Buddha), and the central core of the soul is the mind”
From the book: The Laws of the Sun
What is spirit?
“Spirit” is essentially formless intelligent energy, which has become individualized by the splitting of God’s energy. This spiritual energy is the source of all living beings: humans, animals, plants, and even minerals. However, the spirits of animals and plants are not as individualized and advanced as those of humans.
In other words, each human spirit has an expressed individuality and the ability to think, whilst, animal and plant spirits usually live as collective consciousnesses. How individual they become depends on the level of each spirit’s consciousness.
What is the soul?
We call “Soul” the part of the spirit that takes the form of the physical body it dwells in. It is in this form that the spirit undertakes spiritual refinement on Earth. The spirit is freer in form compared to the soul which, being lodged inside the human body, has a distinctive human shape and its own individuality.
What is the mind?
The mind is the center of the soul, and the core of the spiritual body. To spiritual sight, when the mind is in its original state, it looks like a perfectly shaped ball about one foot in diameter located at the center of the soul, near the heart. Different areas in the mind govern will, emotion, intellect and reason. Running through the body from the stomach, the heart, and the brain is the part that controls spiritual wisdom and it connects the person with his/her brother and sister souls in the spiritual world, or in other words, his/her “subconsciousness”.
The true nature of the mind
The Soul originates from God and essentially possesses the same qualities as God. God is essentially light itself and this light is not like the light of a lamp; it has attributes such as love, compassion, wisdom, and prosperity, which shine like the facets of a diamond. The internal quest to understand the true nature of the diamond within us is the true objective of spiritual discipline.
What is good and what is evil?
The answer to the question, “Is it part of the soul’s nature to think and do evil?” is both “Yes” and “No.” It is “Yes” because the soul has been granted full freedom to think and create in any direction. But the answer is “No” because to do evil or to produce hell is not part of the original aim of the soul.
However, we can create dark, dank regions in our minds and cut ourselves off from God’s (Buddha’s) light with negative thoughts such as complaint, anger, jealousy and envy, as well as selfish thoughts and our desire for self-preservation. It is as a result of our own choices that we create clouds in our mind, block out the light, and live in darkness. That is why we must reflect on our thoughts and deeds and remove these clouds of thought to restore our mind to its original, shining state.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Peace of mind
Your mind is the machine of your body.
When you maintain a healthy mental state, your entire body and life works a whole lot better. Sadly, people run themselves ragged, work too hard, stay up too late, and sometimes abstain from abstaining from stress, worry, and doubt.
In order to achieve a perfect mind/body/life balance you need to understand three key mental health attributes which can bring a more positive attitude, help you in your work and home life, and bring about peace which leads to a longer life. When you take care of your mind, the rest of your problems seem to absolve themselves. Here are three tips to help you overcome YOU.
#1 — Stay Positive, Even In Negative Situations
After years of psychoanalysis and research on the human brain, one thing has become clear to me — humans are too passive when it comes to controlling emotional state of mind. Most of us allow different situations to control our emotions, leaving us drained and sometimes confused about what’s going on in our lives.
In order to achieve complete and total mental enlightenment, you must always be in control of your feelings. While this may sound bogus and unreliable to your specific condition, it is attainable. You may have already guessed, you’re fighting a losing battle to begin with because we are already wired to be negative. The cortical electrical stimulation in our brains is the negative thoughts and feelings which come and go throughout the day, but you have to police them.
In a sense, they are the unwanted gang members running rampant through the streets of your mind and it’s up to you to put a stop to it. Have you ever read The Secret? This lifestyle, while with some propaganda, it still promotes a conditioning in the mind which demands positivity. You have to train your brain to be positive.
It doesn’t happen overnight, but this is the main goal you should try to achieve. Think about the good in everything. While some people say sending out positive energy is good for the atmosphere around you, I am simply stating that positive thinking could help you extend your life.
Image courtesy of Unsplash
#2 — Manage Your Worry (and Other Things)
You are a byproduct of things which happen all around you. Someone cuts you off while you’re driving down the road, or maybe a family member has just been found in some sort of questionable situation. Either way it creates chaos and havoc within your mind and your brain expects you to manage it effectively.
Psychologically, it’s easier for you to
shove the bad feelings down a dark hole where your subconscious sits on them until you implode from the pressure from it later down the road. You already know this practice isn’t healthy but what are you gonna do? If it’s the only thing you know, you automatically do it without thinking about it.
Instead of hiding from those emotional feelings, manage them. Worry, stress, doubt, and fear are all products of your mind. You control these feelings.
When you think of management, you think of someone who is personal and in touch with all of their workers. Same idea applies here — when you manage your emotions, you are in touch with them. You don’t hide in your office all day, but you face them head on and work out your problems. It makes for a better mental state and helps you sleep at night which is the next point.
#3 — Get Some Rest
A study published in the journal
Current Biology proves when you allow your brain to rest, it helps you make better decisions while you’re awake. When you rest your mind it gives you the energy to do what you need to do to have a productive day the next day.
We are living in a world of unrest. People are working long hours and staying up early into the morning blowing off steam from work as well. If you really want to take a step towards a healthier mind you need to forget these extra curricular activities and go to bed every once in awhile.
Sleep helps you recharge the batteries, keeps you fresh for the next day and it alleviates anything you were worried about the night before. There’s something about waking up to a new day that resets the inner workings of your mind.
In Conclusion
Whether you’re looking to maintain a healthy state of mind, or you feel like you’re down in a hole trying to climb back up to where you once were mentally, your mind needs to have these three things each day. It’s up to you to give your mind what it needs to succeed. If you do you will reap the rewards of longevity and other positive health benefits in your life.
When you maintain a healthy mental state, your entire body and life works a whole lot better. Sadly, people run themselves ragged, work too hard, stay up too late, and sometimes abstain from abstaining from stress, worry, and doubt.
In order to achieve a perfect mind/body/life balance you need to understand three key mental health attributes which can bring a more positive attitude, help you in your work and home life, and bring about peace which leads to a longer life. When you take care of your mind, the rest of your problems seem to absolve themselves. Here are three tips to help you overcome YOU.
#1 — Stay Positive, Even In Negative Situations
After years of psychoanalysis and research on the human brain, one thing has become clear to me — humans are too passive when it comes to controlling emotional state of mind. Most of us allow different situations to control our emotions, leaving us drained and sometimes confused about what’s going on in our lives.
In order to achieve complete and total mental enlightenment, you must always be in control of your feelings. While this may sound bogus and unreliable to your specific condition, it is attainable. You may have already guessed, you’re fighting a losing battle to begin with because we are already wired to be negative. The cortical electrical stimulation in our brains is the negative thoughts and feelings which come and go throughout the day, but you have to police them.
In a sense, they are the unwanted gang members running rampant through the streets of your mind and it’s up to you to put a stop to it. Have you ever read The Secret? This lifestyle, while with some propaganda, it still promotes a conditioning in the mind which demands positivity. You have to train your brain to be positive.
It doesn’t happen overnight, but this is the main goal you should try to achieve. Think about the good in everything. While some people say sending out positive energy is good for the atmosphere around you, I am simply stating that positive thinking could help you extend your life.
Image courtesy of Unsplash
#2 — Manage Your Worry (and Other Things)
You are a byproduct of things which happen all around you. Someone cuts you off while you’re driving down the road, or maybe a family member has just been found in some sort of questionable situation. Either way it creates chaos and havoc within your mind and your brain expects you to manage it effectively.
Psychologically, it’s easier for you to
shove the bad feelings down a dark hole where your subconscious sits on them until you implode from the pressure from it later down the road. You already know this practice isn’t healthy but what are you gonna do? If it’s the only thing you know, you automatically do it without thinking about it.
Instead of hiding from those emotional feelings, manage them. Worry, stress, doubt, and fear are all products of your mind. You control these feelings.
When you think of management, you think of someone who is personal and in touch with all of their workers. Same idea applies here — when you manage your emotions, you are in touch with them. You don’t hide in your office all day, but you face them head on and work out your problems. It makes for a better mental state and helps you sleep at night which is the next point.
#3 — Get Some Rest
A study published in the journal
Current Biology proves when you allow your brain to rest, it helps you make better decisions while you’re awake. When you rest your mind it gives you the energy to do what you need to do to have a productive day the next day.
We are living in a world of unrest. People are working long hours and staying up early into the morning blowing off steam from work as well. If you really want to take a step towards a healthier mind you need to forget these extra curricular activities and go to bed every once in awhile.
Sleep helps you recharge the batteries, keeps you fresh for the next day and it alleviates anything you were worried about the night before. There’s something about waking up to a new day that resets the inner workings of your mind.
In Conclusion
Whether you’re looking to maintain a healthy state of mind, or you feel like you’re down in a hole trying to climb back up to where you once were mentally, your mind needs to have these three things each day. It’s up to you to give your mind what it needs to succeed. If you do you will reap the rewards of longevity and other positive health benefits in your life.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
A leader is not a tyrant
Lead by Example
Lead by Example in a practical way. After reading you will understand the definition and basics of this powerful
leadership theory .
What is Lead by Example?
Good leadership isn’t something that just happens. It requires many competencies such as decisiveness, motivation and the ability to lead by example.
Lead by Example is a phrase that was described by American leadership guru and coach John Baldoni in his 2008 book ’50 Ways Great Leaders Inspire Results’. It might seem easy to set the right example for employees and be a source of inspiration for them, but according to Baldoni, actually putting it into practice successfully can take a lifetime. It’s about trust, gaining respect and motivating and managing employees to get good results. A team that’s being led by a poor leader, will be more likely to experience a conflict than teams with leaders who encourage, involve and inspire their employees.
Lead by Example Characteristics
It’s sometimes said that managers do things right and leaders do the right things. The best solution however, is to be both a manager and a leader. Leadership is about the process of an individual influencing other people’s behaviour, attitude and opinions. Leaders often set the course that other people have to steer towards it.
They can do that by setting challenges and objectives. They’re able to encourage and inspire others. Leading by example is another powerful trait of a true leader.
That’s why the following characteristics fit well with Leading by Example:
Setting priorities,
Leaders who are able to set good priorities, send a clear signal. That’s the first step to setting the right example. As a leader, it’s not strange to have the same high performance expectations as you set for yourself. That means it’s good to follow the rules and honour
agreements that have been made. The leader who sticks to that, can determine where the bar is set. That makes it more likely that employees will follow the rules.
A leader who shows integrity gains his team’s trust. When you make promises, it’s important to keep them. When topics are being discussed that don’t concern the rest of the team, it’s a good idea for the leader to handle it discreetly and not shout it from the rooftops. Integrity is one of the most important characteristics expected from leaders, and one that enables him to lead by example.
Team approach
A leader who doesn’t think twice about helping out his team and doing actual work motivates his employees and makes (departmental) objectives more attainable. Employees feel stimulated when they see their leader is willing to do the same work. That’s why it’s recommended that leaders never tell others to do things they’d never do themselves. By setting the right example, the team is motivated to put in that extra bit of effort.
A leader is by no means required to appear infallible and inscrutable. In fact, a leader can show vulnerability by being open to feedback from the team, being willing to admit mistakes and not hiding certain weaknesses. That helps to build trust within the team. Vulnerability can sometimes be awkward, but will eventually strengthen the bond with the team because it shows that everything can be discussed openly. By setting this example, employees will also be more likely to be honest about what they can and can’t handle.
Moreover, the 360-degree feedback method is a fine evaluation tool for a leader to show that they’re open to the opinions of others. That’s an example employees can follow.
Lead by Example : Setting the tone
Leading by Example is about the leader setting the tone. That makes it a versatile approach that creates excellent leaders who are personally dedicated to their team. When a leader starts pointing fingers and is condescending towards his team, employees feel they’re not being treated as equals, which can have harmful consequences. If the leader does the exact opposite, it will undermine trust and make it almost impossible for the team to be successful.
Employees will start to wonder and have doubts about the leader’s strength, when the leader’s actual role is to take responsibility for the team, inspire them and show them the way. Leaders who lead by example, make it easier for others to follow them.
It’s Your Turn
What do you think? What is your experience with the leadership style Lead by Example? Do you recognize the practical explanation or do you have more additions? What are your success factors for motivating yourself and others?
Share your experience and knowledge in the comments box below.
Lead by Example in a practical way. After reading you will understand the definition and basics of this powerful
leadership theory .
What is Lead by Example?
Good leadership isn’t something that just happens. It requires many competencies such as decisiveness, motivation and the ability to lead by example.
Lead by Example is a phrase that was described by American leadership guru and coach John Baldoni in his 2008 book ’50 Ways Great Leaders Inspire Results’. It might seem easy to set the right example for employees and be a source of inspiration for them, but according to Baldoni, actually putting it into practice successfully can take a lifetime. It’s about trust, gaining respect and motivating and managing employees to get good results. A team that’s being led by a poor leader, will be more likely to experience a conflict than teams with leaders who encourage, involve and inspire their employees.
Lead by Example Characteristics
It’s sometimes said that managers do things right and leaders do the right things. The best solution however, is to be both a manager and a leader. Leadership is about the process of an individual influencing other people’s behaviour, attitude and opinions. Leaders often set the course that other people have to steer towards it.
They can do that by setting challenges and objectives. They’re able to encourage and inspire others. Leading by example is another powerful trait of a true leader.
That’s why the following characteristics fit well with Leading by Example:
Setting priorities,
Leaders who are able to set good priorities, send a clear signal. That’s the first step to setting the right example. As a leader, it’s not strange to have the same high performance expectations as you set for yourself. That means it’s good to follow the rules and honour
agreements that have been made. The leader who sticks to that, can determine where the bar is set. That makes it more likely that employees will follow the rules.
A leader who shows integrity gains his team’s trust. When you make promises, it’s important to keep them. When topics are being discussed that don’t concern the rest of the team, it’s a good idea for the leader to handle it discreetly and not shout it from the rooftops. Integrity is one of the most important characteristics expected from leaders, and one that enables him to lead by example.
Team approach
A leader who doesn’t think twice about helping out his team and doing actual work motivates his employees and makes (departmental) objectives more attainable. Employees feel stimulated when they see their leader is willing to do the same work. That’s why it’s recommended that leaders never tell others to do things they’d never do themselves. By setting the right example, the team is motivated to put in that extra bit of effort.
A leader is by no means required to appear infallible and inscrutable. In fact, a leader can show vulnerability by being open to feedback from the team, being willing to admit mistakes and not hiding certain weaknesses. That helps to build trust within the team. Vulnerability can sometimes be awkward, but will eventually strengthen the bond with the team because it shows that everything can be discussed openly. By setting this example, employees will also be more likely to be honest about what they can and can’t handle.
Moreover, the 360-degree feedback method is a fine evaluation tool for a leader to show that they’re open to the opinions of others. That’s an example employees can follow.
Lead by Example : Setting the tone
Leading by Example is about the leader setting the tone. That makes it a versatile approach that creates excellent leaders who are personally dedicated to their team. When a leader starts pointing fingers and is condescending towards his team, employees feel they’re not being treated as equals, which can have harmful consequences. If the leader does the exact opposite, it will undermine trust and make it almost impossible for the team to be successful.
Employees will start to wonder and have doubts about the leader’s strength, when the leader’s actual role is to take responsibility for the team, inspire them and show them the way. Leaders who lead by example, make it easier for others to follow them.
It’s Your Turn
What do you think? What is your experience with the leadership style Lead by Example? Do you recognize the practical explanation or do you have more additions? What are your success factors for motivating yourself and others?
Share your experience and knowledge in the comments box below.
Monday, November 25, 2019
What Is Self-Control?
Self-control—or the ability to subdue one's impulses, emotions, and behaviors to achieve long-term goals—is what separates modern people from their ancient ancestors and the rest of the animal kingdom. Self-control is primarily rooted in the prefrontal cortex—the planning, problem-solving, and decision making center of the brain—which is significantly larger in humans than in other mammals.
The richness of nerve connections in the prefrontal cortex enables people to plan, evaluate alternative actions, and ideally avoid doing things they'll later regret, rather than immediately respond to every impulse as it arises.
The ability to exert self-control is often referred to as willpower. It allows people to direct their
attention despite the presence of competing stimuli, and it underlies all kinds of achievement, from school to the workplace. It benefits relationships as well. Impulsivity, Willpower, Ego Depletion Self-Control
Does the “Marshmallow Test" Predict Success?
Trying Versus Doing
Do We Overeat Because of Poor Self-Control? Why You Lose Self-Control
One of the most famous studies of self-control is known as “the marshmallow test,” which found that children who, left alone in a room with a plate containing a marshmallow, were able to resist eating the candy in order to be rewarded with two in the future, later showed numerous positive outcomes. Notably, they had higher academic achievement than those who had wolfed the treat down immediately.
The study’s results seemed to indicate that self-control is an innate ability with wide-reaching implications for people's lives,. Later studies have suggested that self-control actually changes significantly over a lifetime and can be improved with practice.
There is significant debate in science as to whether willpower is a finite resource. Some studies indicate that exercising willpower makes demands on mental energy. This concept, called ego depletion, is one possible explanation for why individuals are more apt to reach for a chocolate chip cookie when they're feeling overworked.
Recently, however, scientists have failed to replicate some of the studies underlying the concept of ego depletion. A better understanding of why individuals give in to some impulses—but are able to successfully resist others—is critical for helping people who suffer from addictive behaviors, impulsivity, and eating disorders.
Self-control—or the ability to subdue one's impulses, emotions, and behaviors to achieve long-term goals—is what separates modern people from their ancient ancestors and the rest of the animal kingdom. Self-control is primarily rooted in the prefrontal cortex—the planning, problem-solving, and decision making center of the brain—which is significantly larger in humans than in other mammals.
The richness of nerve connections in the prefrontal cortex enables people to plan, evaluate alternative actions, and ideally avoid doing things they'll later regret, rather than immediately respond to every impulse as it arises.
The ability to exert self-control is often referred to as willpower. It allows people to direct their
attention despite the presence of competing stimuli, and it underlies all kinds of achievement, from school to the workplace. It benefits relationships as well. Impulsivity, Willpower, Ego Depletion Self-Control
Does the “Marshmallow Test" Predict Success?
Trying Versus Doing
Do We Overeat Because of Poor Self-Control? Why You Lose Self-Control
One of the most famous studies of self-control is known as “the marshmallow test,” which found that children who, left alone in a room with a plate containing a marshmallow, were able to resist eating the candy in order to be rewarded with two in the future, later showed numerous positive outcomes. Notably, they had higher academic achievement than those who had wolfed the treat down immediately.
The study’s results seemed to indicate that self-control is an innate ability with wide-reaching implications for people's lives,. Later studies have suggested that self-control actually changes significantly over a lifetime and can be improved with practice.
There is significant debate in science as to whether willpower is a finite resource. Some studies indicate that exercising willpower makes demands on mental energy. This concept, called ego depletion, is one possible explanation for why individuals are more apt to reach for a chocolate chip cookie when they're feeling overworked.
Recently, however, scientists have failed to replicate some of the studies underlying the concept of ego depletion. A better understanding of why individuals give in to some impulses—but are able to successfully resist others—is critical for helping people who suffer from addictive behaviors, impulsivity, and eating disorders.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Self control is not all about Age
What Is Self-Control?
Self-control—or the ability to subdue one's impulses, emotions, and behaviors to achieve long-term goals—is what separates modern people from their ancient ancestors and the rest of the animal kingdom.
Self-control is primarily rooted in the prefrontal cortex—the planning, problem-solving, and decision making center of the brain—which is significantly larger in humans than in other mammals.
The richness of nerve connections in the prefrontal cortex enables people to plan, evaluate alternative actions, and ideally avoid doing things they'll later regret, rather than immediately respond to every impulse as it arises.
The ability to exert self-control is often referred to as willpower. It allows people to direct their
attention despite the presence of competing stimuli, and it underlies all kinds of achievement, from school to the workplace. It benefits relationships as well. Impulsivity, Willpower, Ego Depletion Self-Control
Does the “Marshmallow Test" Predict Success?
Trying Versus Doing
Do We Overeat Because of Poor Self-Control? Why You Lose Self-Control
One of the most famous studies of self-control is known as “the marshmallow test,” which found that children who, left alone in a room with a plate containing a marshmallow, were able to resist eating the candy in order to be rewarded with two in the future, later showed numerous positive outcomes. Notably, they had higher academic achievement than those who had wolfed the treat down immediately.
The study’s results seemed to indicate that self-control is an innate ability with wide-reaching implications for people's lives,. Later studies have suggested that self-control actually changes significantly over a lifetime and can be improved with practice.
There is significant debate in science as to whether willpower is a finite resource. Some studies indicate that exercising willpower makes demands on mental energy. This concept, called ego depletion, is one possible explanation for why individuals are more apt to reach for a chocolate chip cookie when they're feeling overworked.
Recently, however, scientists have failed to replicate some of the studies underlying the concept of ego depletion. A better understanding of why individuals give in to some impulses—but are able to successfully resist others—is critical for helping people who suffer from addictive behaviors, impulsivity, and eating disorders.
Self-control—or the ability to subdue one's impulses, emotions, and behaviors to achieve long-term goals—is what separates modern people from their ancient ancestors and the rest of the animal kingdom.
Self-control is primarily rooted in the prefrontal cortex—the planning, problem-solving, and decision making center of the brain—which is significantly larger in humans than in other mammals.
The richness of nerve connections in the prefrontal cortex enables people to plan, evaluate alternative actions, and ideally avoid doing things they'll later regret, rather than immediately respond to every impulse as it arises.
The ability to exert self-control is often referred to as willpower. It allows people to direct their
attention despite the presence of competing stimuli, and it underlies all kinds of achievement, from school to the workplace. It benefits relationships as well. Impulsivity, Willpower, Ego Depletion Self-Control
Does the “Marshmallow Test" Predict Success?
Trying Versus Doing
Do We Overeat Because of Poor Self-Control? Why You Lose Self-Control
One of the most famous studies of self-control is known as “the marshmallow test,” which found that children who, left alone in a room with a plate containing a marshmallow, were able to resist eating the candy in order to be rewarded with two in the future, later showed numerous positive outcomes.
Notably, they had higher academic achievement than those who had wolfed the treat down immediately.
The study’s results seemed to indicate that self-control is an innate ability with wide-reaching implications for people's lives,. Later studies have suggested that self-control actually changes significantly over a lifetime and can be improved with practice.
There is significant debate in science as to whether willpower is a finite resource. Some studies indicate that exercising willpower makes demands on mental energy.
This concept, called ego depletion, is one possible explanation for why individuals are more apt to reach for a chocolate chip cookie when they're feeling overworked.
Recently, however, scientists have failed to replicate some of the studies underlying the concept of ego depletion.
A better understanding of why individuals give in to some impulses—but are able to successfully resist others—is critical for helping people who suffer from addictive behaviors, impulsivity, and eating disorders.
Self-control—or the ability to subdue one's impulses, emotions, and behaviors to achieve long-term goals—is what separates modern people from their ancient ancestors and the rest of the animal kingdom.
Self-control is primarily rooted in the prefrontal cortex—the planning, problem-solving, and decision making center of the brain—which is significantly larger in humans than in other mammals.
The richness of nerve connections in the prefrontal cortex enables people to plan, evaluate alternative actions, and ideally avoid doing things they'll later regret, rather than immediately respond to every impulse as it arises.
The ability to exert self-control is often referred to as willpower. It allows people to direct their
attention despite the presence of competing stimuli, and it underlies all kinds of achievement, from school to the workplace. It benefits relationships as well. Impulsivity, Willpower, Ego Depletion Self-Control
Does the “Marshmallow Test" Predict Success?
Trying Versus Doing
Do We Overeat Because of Poor Self-Control? Why You Lose Self-Control
One of the most famous studies of self-control is known as “the marshmallow test,” which found that children who, left alone in a room with a plate containing a marshmallow, were able to resist eating the candy in order to be rewarded with two in the future, later showed numerous positive outcomes. Notably, they had higher academic achievement than those who had wolfed the treat down immediately.
The study’s results seemed to indicate that self-control is an innate ability with wide-reaching implications for people's lives,. Later studies have suggested that self-control actually changes significantly over a lifetime and can be improved with practice.
There is significant debate in science as to whether willpower is a finite resource. Some studies indicate that exercising willpower makes demands on mental energy. This concept, called ego depletion, is one possible explanation for why individuals are more apt to reach for a chocolate chip cookie when they're feeling overworked.
Recently, however, scientists have failed to replicate some of the studies underlying the concept of ego depletion. A better understanding of why individuals give in to some impulses—but are able to successfully resist others—is critical for helping people who suffer from addictive behaviors, impulsivity, and eating disorders.
Self-control—or the ability to subdue one's impulses, emotions, and behaviors to achieve long-term goals—is what separates modern people from their ancient ancestors and the rest of the animal kingdom.
Self-control is primarily rooted in the prefrontal cortex—the planning, problem-solving, and decision making center of the brain—which is significantly larger in humans than in other mammals.
The richness of nerve connections in the prefrontal cortex enables people to plan, evaluate alternative actions, and ideally avoid doing things they'll later regret, rather than immediately respond to every impulse as it arises.
The ability to exert self-control is often referred to as willpower. It allows people to direct their
attention despite the presence of competing stimuli, and it underlies all kinds of achievement, from school to the workplace. It benefits relationships as well. Impulsivity, Willpower, Ego Depletion Self-Control
Does the “Marshmallow Test" Predict Success?
Trying Versus Doing
Do We Overeat Because of Poor Self-Control? Why You Lose Self-Control
One of the most famous studies of self-control is known as “the marshmallow test,” which found that children who, left alone in a room with a plate containing a marshmallow, were able to resist eating the candy in order to be rewarded with two in the future, later showed numerous positive outcomes.
Notably, they had higher academic achievement than those who had wolfed the treat down immediately.
The study’s results seemed to indicate that self-control is an innate ability with wide-reaching implications for people's lives,. Later studies have suggested that self-control actually changes significantly over a lifetime and can be improved with practice.
There is significant debate in science as to whether willpower is a finite resource. Some studies indicate that exercising willpower makes demands on mental energy.
This concept, called ego depletion, is one possible explanation for why individuals are more apt to reach for a chocolate chip cookie when they're feeling overworked.
Recently, however, scientists have failed to replicate some of the studies underlying the concept of ego depletion.
A better understanding of why individuals give in to some impulses—but are able to successfully resist others—is critical for helping people who suffer from addictive behaviors, impulsivity, and eating disorders.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Say No To Anger
There’s one letter separating ‘danger’ and ‘anger,’ and this may not be coincidental. There is often anger involved in danger, and there’s almost always danger involved in anger.
Anger is perhaps the most commonly expressed emotion, and readily identified by most, self-righteously affirmed and dangerously expressed. Most will admit to feeling angry and even reiterate their ‘right’ to feel it.
Yet, this emotion—if it is even a legitimate emotion—causes more damage than any other. This is why scripture exhorts us to ‘put it away’, stay away from those that live with it and never let the sun go down while we feel it.
You may wonder why I question whether it is a ‘legitimate’ emotion. A colleague recently said this to me:
“I don’t think anger is a legitimate emotion. It is a defensive stance, a mood, a way of acting that covers deeper feelings. It is like armor that we raise to protect us from being hurt or being vulnerable.
It is, if anything, a secondary emotion. This way of acting almost always causes further problems rather than healing anything.”
His words have caused me to consider this ‘emotion’. I know that in my own life my anger has done little if any good.
When angry, I think unhealthy thoughts, say unhealthy words and act in unhealthy ways. Occasionally, it is the fuel to set healthy boundaries, but more often than not, my thinking narrows, my connection to others collapses, leaving me hopelessly alone.
Consider when you are angry. Are you like me, thinking irrational thoughts, feeling sorry for yourself and becoming accusatory toward others? Do you say things you regret?
What about this notion that anger is a secondary emotion, if an emotion at all? This is too often true for me. When I slow things down and reflect on what is gurgling inside, I find sadness, hurt and fear. I find feelings of betrayal, misunderstanding and confusion. There are always feelings beneath my anger.
Consider also that speaking from your angry voice, in addition to often being destructive, is not your authentic voice. Speaking from your voice of sadness, hurt and fear allows you to make true and honest contact with the other person. Speaking from anger almost always causes disconnection.
So, consider these steps of action in making a healthy connection with the people you care about:
First, put away anger.
Tell yourself that anger is not helpful to your situation. Acknowledge the harm that occurs when you become angry and the many scriptural principles challenging us to not speak from an angry voice. Consider the negative impact of your anger on your relationships, not to mention your own body.
Second, explore your thoughts that lead to anger.
Write out your thoughts that give way to anger. Explore the possibility that you are distorting your current situation. Look for distortions and ‘thinking errors’ that fuel your anger.
Notice the distortions that fuel your anger and impede working together with others. Follow the scriptural principle, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” ( Philippians 4:8 )
Third, explore primary feelings.
Go on a hunt for primary feelings. See if there is hurt, sadness or fear beneath your anger. Try to ‘stay with your primary feelings’ rather than acting out with anger. See if anger is a shield, protecting you from more vulnerable feelings.
Fourth, practice expressing your more vulnerable feelings.
As you lean into this new relationship, you form a new union. This is a new partnership and new entity. You can help your mate become all he/she was meant to be and they can do the same for you. Embrace this new union and see how you can emerge better than before.
Finally, encourage others to share their deeper feelings with you.
Gently encourage others to share their feelings. Don’t force it, as this is their work to do. Your work is to stay within your True Self and your truest, deepest feelings. Remain secure in your feelings and try not to shift into old, outdated, angry ways of interacting. Notice the positive impact you have on others.
Anger is perhaps the most commonly expressed emotion, and readily identified by most, self-righteously affirmed and dangerously expressed. Most will admit to feeling angry and even reiterate their ‘right’ to feel it.
Yet, this emotion—if it is even a legitimate emotion—causes more damage than any other. This is why scripture exhorts us to ‘put it away’, stay away from those that live with it and never let the sun go down while we feel it.
You may wonder why I question whether it is a ‘legitimate’ emotion. A colleague recently said this to me:
“I don’t think anger is a legitimate emotion. It is a defensive stance, a mood, a way of acting that covers deeper feelings. It is like armor that we raise to protect us from being hurt or being vulnerable.
It is, if anything, a secondary emotion. This way of acting almost always causes further problems rather than healing anything.”
His words have caused me to consider this ‘emotion’. I know that in my own life my anger has done little if any good.
When angry, I think unhealthy thoughts, say unhealthy words and act in unhealthy ways. Occasionally, it is the fuel to set healthy boundaries, but more often than not, my thinking narrows, my connection to others collapses, leaving me hopelessly alone.
Consider when you are angry. Are you like me, thinking irrational thoughts, feeling sorry for yourself and becoming accusatory toward others? Do you say things you regret?
What about this notion that anger is a secondary emotion, if an emotion at all? This is too often true for me. When I slow things down and reflect on what is gurgling inside, I find sadness, hurt and fear. I find feelings of betrayal, misunderstanding and confusion. There are always feelings beneath my anger.
Consider also that speaking from your angry voice, in addition to often being destructive, is not your authentic voice. Speaking from your voice of sadness, hurt and fear allows you to make true and honest contact with the other person. Speaking from anger almost always causes disconnection.
So, consider these steps of action in making a healthy connection with the people you care about:
First, put away anger.
Tell yourself that anger is not helpful to your situation. Acknowledge the harm that occurs when you become angry and the many scriptural principles challenging us to not speak from an angry voice. Consider the negative impact of your anger on your relationships, not to mention your own body.
Second, explore your thoughts that lead to anger.
Write out your thoughts that give way to anger. Explore the possibility that you are distorting your current situation. Look for distortions and ‘thinking errors’ that fuel your anger.
Notice the distortions that fuel your anger and impede working together with others. Follow the scriptural principle, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” ( Philippians 4:8 )
Third, explore primary feelings.
Go on a hunt for primary feelings. See if there is hurt, sadness or fear beneath your anger. Try to ‘stay with your primary feelings’ rather than acting out with anger. See if anger is a shield, protecting you from more vulnerable feelings.
Fourth, practice expressing your more vulnerable feelings.
As you lean into this new relationship, you form a new union. This is a new partnership and new entity. You can help your mate become all he/she was meant to be and they can do the same for you. Embrace this new union and see how you can emerge better than before.
Finally, encourage others to share their deeper feelings with you.
Gently encourage others to share their feelings. Don’t force it, as this is their work to do. Your work is to stay within your True Self and your truest, deepest feelings. Remain secure in your feelings and try not to shift into old, outdated, angry ways of interacting. Notice the positive impact you have on others.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Relaxing once mind
Why It’s Important To Take The Time To Relax
Modern life is more fast-paced than ever, and we’ve all got a lot of day to day demands on our time. From work stresses to parental responsibilities, finance worries and important calendar dates, we could all definitely use a break every once in a while! In fact, that may well be truer than you think.
Proper relaxation is key to being able to function effectively, no matter what you spend your days doing.
These are just three of the major reasons why it’s important to relax:
1. It helps keep you focused.
2. It can be useful in tackling problems, (including creative obstacles).
3. It can re-energise you for the next challenges in life!
Right then – are you ready to find out how?
Relaxation Time Helps You To Stay Focused
It seems counter-intuitive, we know – and that’s what’s so great about it! At Melt, we think it’s all about time.
Think about it: so much of our lives is governed by clocks and ticking hands and alarms. The time we have to wake up in the morning. The time we have before the shops closed. The time we have left to finish this project at work.
For a little while, all of us need a world without time. The weekend is an obvious candidate – if you can, it’s a good plan to try and get the tasks most pressing on your to-do list done in the week, and leave yourself a good, long time where you don’t have to worry about the clock, or where you have to be next. It gives you time to process what’s going on in your life, reflect on it, and re-evaluate it. Having a chance to slow down and think about things can help you be even more productive in the long run.
Having Me-Time Can Help You Overcome Problems
Sometimes, we can run into a brick wall with a job. It could be a tricky task at work, or an issue at home. We’ve all had those moments when we know we need to do something – but we’re just not sure how. The weird solution to this can often be: just don’t think about it for a bit.
Immerse yourself in something else, help yourself unwind, and let the worries go. We’re not making this up, honestly – there’s a reason why ‘going for a walk’ is a common piece of advice to deal with writer’s block. It gives your brain the time it needs to quietly slot everything in place itself, so that when you turn your attention back to the problem, you might even find the answer all ready and waiting for you.
You Give Yourself The Rest You Need To Re-Energise
We all need rest, both physical and mental. Your boss wouldn’t expect you to work 24 hours without sleeping – you’d burn out. In the same way, you can’t expect yourself to be mentally sharp 100% of the time. At some point in the day, you need to let go and unwind. Taking some me-time helps clear your mind of day-to-day worries, which does wonders for your mental health.
It’s true we have to switch back on at some point – or nothing would ever get done! – but still, you should always make sure you give yourself a moment to relax every once in a while. Trust us, you need it more than you think.
5 Quick Suggestions On The Best Ways To Unwind.
An obvious one would be to watch TV, or engross yourself in a film. But just for this list, we’re going to stay away from suggestions that involve screen time – there’s no shortage of options there!
Instead, you can:
1. Meditate
It’s not everyone’s thing, but people all over the world regularly attest to its benefits, and it doesn’t have to involve the Lotus pose!
2. Listen to laid back, relaxing music
Perhaps compose a playlist!
3. Socialise with friends
Kick back and find out what’s going on with your closest friends. (And don’t talk shop for a little while.)
4. Read a meaningful books
The ultimate quiet-time activity!
5. Take a long walk in the country to relax your mind.
Modern life is more fast-paced than ever, and we’ve all got a lot of day to day demands on our time. From work stresses to parental responsibilities, finance worries and important calendar dates, we could all definitely use a break every once in a while! In fact, that may well be truer than you think.
Proper relaxation is key to being able to function effectively, no matter what you spend your days doing.
These are just three of the major reasons why it’s important to relax:
1. It helps keep you focused.
2. It can be useful in tackling problems, (including creative obstacles).
3. It can re-energise you for the next challenges in life!
Right then – are you ready to find out how?
Relaxation Time Helps You To Stay Focused
It seems counter-intuitive, we know – and that’s what’s so great about it! At Melt, we think it’s all about time.
Think about it: so much of our lives is governed by clocks and ticking hands and alarms. The time we have to wake up in the morning. The time we have before the shops closed. The time we have left to finish this project at work.
For a little while, all of us need a world without time. The weekend is an obvious candidate – if you can, it’s a good plan to try and get the tasks most pressing on your to-do list done in the week, and leave yourself a good, long time where you don’t have to worry about the clock, or where you have to be next. It gives you time to process what’s going on in your life, reflect on it, and re-evaluate it. Having a chance to slow down and think about things can help you be even more productive in the long run.
Having Me-Time Can Help You Overcome Problems
Sometimes, we can run into a brick wall with a job. It could be a tricky task at work, or an issue at home. We’ve all had those moments when we know we need to do something – but we’re just not sure how. The weird solution to this can often be: just don’t think about it for a bit.
Immerse yourself in something else, help yourself unwind, and let the worries go. We’re not making this up, honestly – there’s a reason why ‘going for a walk’ is a common piece of advice to deal with writer’s block. It gives your brain the time it needs to quietly slot everything in place itself, so that when you turn your attention back to the problem, you might even find the answer all ready and waiting for you.
You Give Yourself The Rest You Need To Re-Energise
We all need rest, both physical and mental. Your boss wouldn’t expect you to work 24 hours without sleeping – you’d burn out. In the same way, you can’t expect yourself to be mentally sharp 100% of the time. At some point in the day, you need to let go and unwind. Taking some me-time helps clear your mind of day-to-day worries, which does wonders for your mental health.
It’s true we have to switch back on at some point – or nothing would ever get done! – but still, you should always make sure you give yourself a moment to relax every once in a while. Trust us, you need it more than you think.
5 Quick Suggestions On The Best Ways To Unwind.
An obvious one would be to watch TV, or engross yourself in a film. But just for this list, we’re going to stay away from suggestions that involve screen time – there’s no shortage of options there!
Instead, you can:
1. Meditate
It’s not everyone’s thing, but people all over the world regularly attest to its benefits, and it doesn’t have to involve the Lotus pose!
2. Listen to laid back, relaxing music
Perhaps compose a playlist!
3. Socialise with friends
Kick back and find out what’s going on with your closest friends. (And don’t talk shop for a little while.)
4. Read a meaningful books
The ultimate quiet-time activity!
5. Take a long walk in the country to relax your mind.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Your health and Daily routine
Many people — myself included — get stuck in a routine of dragging themselves out of bed to get to work… and that’s it. We barely have time for breakfast in our routine. We’re just trying to get out the door.
But if you create a morning routine worth waking up for, you may have a different outlook for your morning.
1. Start slow: Sit up
Start with the basics: Just try to sit up. Push your pillows up, and maybe have an extra pillow stashed nearby to prop yourself up.
Sometimes just the act of sitting up can get you closer to getting up, getting ready, and starting your day.
2. What’s for breakfast?
Start thinking food
Thinking about food or your first cup of coffee can be great motivation. If your stomach starts grumbling enough while you’re forcing yourself to think about eggs, bacon, and French toast, you’ll be more likely to pull yourself up.
This doesn’t always work, though, especially if you’re experiencing a loss of appetite from depression. Still, know that eating something in the morning — even if it’s just a slice of bread — will help you get up.
Plus, if you take medications in the morning, it’s usually a good idea to have something in your stomach.
3. Don’t disregard the classics — try an alarm
Go back to the classics. Set an alarm — or a whole slurry of annoying alarms — and put your phone or clock out of your reach.
You’ll have to get up to shut it off. While it’s easy to just climb into bed again, if you have multiple alarms set, by the third one you’ll probably just be like, “FINE! I’M UP!”
4. Focus on what’s around your
Paper and pens may seem old-fashioned, but the affect they have definitely isn’t. Consider writing down something you’re grateful for every day. Or even better, do this at night and reread your gratitude in the morning. Reminding yourself about the positives in your life can start your day a little better.
Another option is to focus on your pets, which have shown to provide many benefits. They can be a great motivation for waking up in the morning, whether it’s feeding, walking, or cuddling with them.
Spending just a few minutes being unconditionally loved by your pet can have an overwhelming positive effect on your mood.
5. Get yourself motivated with routine
Don’t rush yourself to get up and get ready and take all the pleasure out of the morning. You can also try using other forms of motivation to get up, like your phone.
Let yourself check your email or watch a cute animal video to start your day. Just to ensure that you’re not staying on your phone all morning in bed, set a timer. Keep it around 15 minutes for phone time. Another option is to place your phone out of reach so you have to get up to use it.
But if you create a morning routine worth waking up for, you may have a different outlook for your morning.
1. Start slow: Sit up
Start with the basics: Just try to sit up. Push your pillows up, and maybe have an extra pillow stashed nearby to prop yourself up.
Sometimes just the act of sitting up can get you closer to getting up, getting ready, and starting your day.
2. What’s for breakfast?
Start thinking food
Thinking about food or your first cup of coffee can be great motivation. If your stomach starts grumbling enough while you’re forcing yourself to think about eggs, bacon, and French toast, you’ll be more likely to pull yourself up.
This doesn’t always work, though, especially if you’re experiencing a loss of appetite from depression. Still, know that eating something in the morning — even if it’s just a slice of bread — will help you get up.
Plus, if you take medications in the morning, it’s usually a good idea to have something in your stomach.
3. Don’t disregard the classics — try an alarm
Go back to the classics. Set an alarm — or a whole slurry of annoying alarms — and put your phone or clock out of your reach.
You’ll have to get up to shut it off. While it’s easy to just climb into bed again, if you have multiple alarms set, by the third one you’ll probably just be like, “FINE! I’M UP!”
4. Focus on what’s around your
Paper and pens may seem old-fashioned, but the affect they have definitely isn’t. Consider writing down something you’re grateful for every day. Or even better, do this at night and reread your gratitude in the morning. Reminding yourself about the positives in your life can start your day a little better.
Another option is to focus on your pets, which have shown to provide many benefits. They can be a great motivation for waking up in the morning, whether it’s feeding, walking, or cuddling with them.
Spending just a few minutes being unconditionally loved by your pet can have an overwhelming positive effect on your mood.
5. Get yourself motivated with routine
Don’t rush yourself to get up and get ready and take all the pleasure out of the morning. You can also try using other forms of motivation to get up, like your phone.
Let yourself check your email or watch a cute animal video to start your day. Just to ensure that you’re not staying on your phone all morning in bed, set a timer. Keep it around 15 minutes for phone time. Another option is to place your phone out of reach so you have to get up to use it.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
What is life without health?
Eat a Healthy Diet for the Right Reasons
Eat a Healthy Diet for the Right Reasons
Rather than eating right solely for the promise of looking better in your jeans, you should also make a commitment to eating foods that will boost your energy level and keep your system running smoothly.
This is because what you eat can not only impact your short-term and long-term health, it can affect your stress levels. If you're hungry you're malnourished, you may be more emotionally reactive to stressors, or may not have the reserves to handle what comes up as efficiently as you would if you were operating on a full stomach of healthy food. Watching what you eat can be a stress management tool as well as a health preserver.
Another reason it's a good idea to maintain a healthy diet for these reasons is that your diet has a more immediate effect on your mood than on the number on your scale. If you eat a poor diet, you may feel lethargic, jittery, or moody in a matter of minutes or hours, while it may take a greater buildup of unhealthy meals to make a difference that can be seen on the scale. This means that there's a more immediate consequence to a poor diet.
Conversely, you may also feel more energized and optimistic when you're eating right, so this is a more constant and immediate reward for eating well than a change in clothing size. If you remind yourself that what you eat now will affect how you feel in the coming hours, it may be easier to stick to a healthy diet.
Make Sleep a Priority
Make a commitment to get enough sleep at night. If you haven't gotten adequate sleep, you may be less productive, less mentally sharp, and otherwise more prone to the effects of stress. Carve out a full eight hours, avoid caffeine after 2 pm, and adopt a calming technique such as meditation, and let your body restore itself each night. You may be surprised by how much less stressed you feel when you're not tired if this is an issue for you right now. And use these proven strategies if you have trouble getting quality sleep when stressed . You’ll feel better all day.
Find a Fitness Habit That Works for You
We've all heard the advice to "eat right and exercise," but can be difficult to fit in workouts around a busy schedule, particularly when you're feeling exhausted from stress. One proven strategy for making fitness a regular part of your life is to build an exercise habit around your other habits—either attach a workout to your morning routine, your lunchtime habits, or make it a regular part of your evening—you get the idea.
If you make a morning jog part of your getting-ready-for-work routine, for example, it is much more likely to happen than if you wait until you feel like jogging and happen to have a free half-hour, especially if you lead a busy life like most of us and are tired at the end of the day.
Another important way to make exercise easier is to choose an activity that you actually enjoy—walking while listening to an audiobook, for example, or attending a class at your gym where good music drives up your energy level. Look for something you'd like to do, find a time when you can make it work with your schedule, and go!
Watch What You Put Into Your Body
Avoid putting unhealthy substances into your body; nicotine, excess alcohol, and even excessive caffeine can take a toll on your health in the long run, but also make you feel lousy overall in your day-to-day life. In fact, it helps if you can avoid allowing toxic thinking patterns from exacerbating your stress levels as well. Find healthier ways to manage stress, and you'll enjoy double health and stress management benefits !
These are three important ways to take care of your body that you may not naturally think of as stress relievers. However, if you set goals to make these ideas a reality in your life, you'll feel the difference immediately, but will also see results in multiple areas of your life in the coming weeks and months. Few habits come without effort, but these three can make a significant impact on your life, and are well worth the effort.
This is because what you eat can not only impact your short-term and long-term health, it can affect your stress levels. If you're hungry you're malnourished, you may be more emotionally reactive to stressors, or may not have the reserves to handle what comes up as efficiently as you would if you were operating on a full stomach of healthy food. Watching what you eat can be a stress management tool as well as a health preserver.
Another reason it's a good idea to maintain a healthy diet for these reasons is that your diet has a more immediate effect on your mood than on the number on your scale. If you eat a poor diet, you may feel lethargic, jittery, or moody in a matter of minutes or hours, while it may take a greater buildup of unhealthy meals to make a difference that can be seen on the scale. This means that there's a more immediate consequence to a poor diet.
Conversely, you may also feel more energized and optimistic when you're eating right, so this is a more constant and immediate reward for eating well than a change in clothing size. If you remind yourself that what you eat now will affect how you feel in the coming hours, it may be easier to stick to a healthy diet.
Make Sleep a Priority.
Make a commitment to get enough sleep at night. If you haven't gotten adequate sleep, you may be less productive, less mentally sharp, and otherwise more prone to the effects of stress. Carve out a full eight hours, avoid caffeine after 2 pm, and adopt a calming technique such as meditation, and let your body restore itself each night. You may be surprised by how much less stressed you feel when you're not tired if this is an issue for you right now. And use these proven strategies if you have trouble getting quality sleep when stressed . You’ll feel better all day.
Find a Fitness Habit That Works for You
We've all heard the advice to "eat right and exercise," but can be difficult to fit in workouts around a busy schedule, particularly when you're feeling exhausted from stress. One proven strategy for making fitness a regular part of your life is to build an exercise habit around your other habits—either attach a workout to your morning routine, your lunchtime habits, or make it a regular part of your evening—you get the idea.
If you make a morning jog part of your getting-ready-for-work routine, for example, it is much more likely to happen than if you wait until you feel like jogging and happen to have a free half-hour, especially if you lead a busy life like most of us and are tired at the end of the day.
Another important way to make exercise easier is to choose an activity that you actually enjoy—walking while listening to an audiobook, for example, or attending a class at your gym where good music drives up your energy level. Look for something you'd like to do, find a time when you can make it work with your schedule, and go!
Watch What You Put Into Your Body.
Avoid putting unhealthy substances into your body; nicotine, excess alcohol, and even excessive caffeine can take a toll on your health in the long run, but also make you feel lousy overall in your day-to-day life. In fact, it helps if you can avoid allowing toxic thinking patterns from exacerbating your stress levels as well. Find healthier ways to manage stress, and you'll enjoy double health and stress management benefits !
These are three important ways to take care of your body that you may not naturally think of as stress relievers. However, if you set goals to make these ideas a reality in your life, you'll feel the difference immediately, but will also see results in multiple areas of your life in the coming weeks and months. Few habits come without effort, but these three can make a significant impact on your life, and are well worth the effort.
Eat a Healthy Diet for the Right Reasons
Rather than eating right solely for the promise of looking better in your jeans, you should also make a commitment to eating foods that will boost your energy level and keep your system running smoothly.
This is because what you eat can not only impact your short-term and long-term health, it can affect your stress levels. If you're hungry you're malnourished, you may be more emotionally reactive to stressors, or may not have the reserves to handle what comes up as efficiently as you would if you were operating on a full stomach of healthy food. Watching what you eat can be a stress management tool as well as a health preserver.
Another reason it's a good idea to maintain a healthy diet for these reasons is that your diet has a more immediate effect on your mood than on the number on your scale. If you eat a poor diet, you may feel lethargic, jittery, or moody in a matter of minutes or hours, while it may take a greater buildup of unhealthy meals to make a difference that can be seen on the scale. This means that there's a more immediate consequence to a poor diet.
Conversely, you may also feel more energized and optimistic when you're eating right, so this is a more constant and immediate reward for eating well than a change in clothing size. If you remind yourself that what you eat now will affect how you feel in the coming hours, it may be easier to stick to a healthy diet.
Make Sleep a Priority
Make a commitment to get enough sleep at night. If you haven't gotten adequate sleep, you may be less productive, less mentally sharp, and otherwise more prone to the effects of stress. Carve out a full eight hours, avoid caffeine after 2 pm, and adopt a calming technique such as meditation, and let your body restore itself each night. You may be surprised by how much less stressed you feel when you're not tired if this is an issue for you right now. And use these proven strategies if you have trouble getting quality sleep when stressed . You’ll feel better all day.
Find a Fitness Habit That Works for You
We've all heard the advice to "eat right and exercise," but can be difficult to fit in workouts around a busy schedule, particularly when you're feeling exhausted from stress. One proven strategy for making fitness a regular part of your life is to build an exercise habit around your other habits—either attach a workout to your morning routine, your lunchtime habits, or make it a regular part of your evening—you get the idea.
If you make a morning jog part of your getting-ready-for-work routine, for example, it is much more likely to happen than if you wait until you feel like jogging and happen to have a free half-hour, especially if you lead a busy life like most of us and are tired at the end of the day.
Another important way to make exercise easier is to choose an activity that you actually enjoy—walking while listening to an audiobook, for example, or attending a class at your gym where good music drives up your energy level. Look for something you'd like to do, find a time when you can make it work with your schedule, and go!
Watch What You Put Into Your Body
Avoid putting unhealthy substances into your body; nicotine, excess alcohol, and even excessive caffeine can take a toll on your health in the long run, but also make you feel lousy overall in your day-to-day life. In fact, it helps if you can avoid allowing toxic thinking patterns from exacerbating your stress levels as well. Find healthier ways to manage stress, and you'll enjoy double health and stress management benefits !
These are three important ways to take care of your body that you may not naturally think of as stress relievers. However, if you set goals to make these ideas a reality in your life, you'll feel the difference immediately, but will also see results in multiple areas of your life in the coming weeks and months. Few habits come without effort, but these three can make a significant impact on your life, and are well worth the effort.
This is because what you eat can not only impact your short-term and long-term health, it can affect your stress levels. If you're hungry you're malnourished, you may be more emotionally reactive to stressors, or may not have the reserves to handle what comes up as efficiently as you would if you were operating on a full stomach of healthy food. Watching what you eat can be a stress management tool as well as a health preserver.
Another reason it's a good idea to maintain a healthy diet for these reasons is that your diet has a more immediate effect on your mood than on the number on your scale. If you eat a poor diet, you may feel lethargic, jittery, or moody in a matter of minutes or hours, while it may take a greater buildup of unhealthy meals to make a difference that can be seen on the scale. This means that there's a more immediate consequence to a poor diet.
Conversely, you may also feel more energized and optimistic when you're eating right, so this is a more constant and immediate reward for eating well than a change in clothing size. If you remind yourself that what you eat now will affect how you feel in the coming hours, it may be easier to stick to a healthy diet.
Make Sleep a Priority.
Make a commitment to get enough sleep at night. If you haven't gotten adequate sleep, you may be less productive, less mentally sharp, and otherwise more prone to the effects of stress. Carve out a full eight hours, avoid caffeine after 2 pm, and adopt a calming technique such as meditation, and let your body restore itself each night. You may be surprised by how much less stressed you feel when you're not tired if this is an issue for you right now. And use these proven strategies if you have trouble getting quality sleep when stressed . You’ll feel better all day.
Find a Fitness Habit That Works for You
We've all heard the advice to "eat right and exercise," but can be difficult to fit in workouts around a busy schedule, particularly when you're feeling exhausted from stress. One proven strategy for making fitness a regular part of your life is to build an exercise habit around your other habits—either attach a workout to your morning routine, your lunchtime habits, or make it a regular part of your evening—you get the idea.
If you make a morning jog part of your getting-ready-for-work routine, for example, it is much more likely to happen than if you wait until you feel like jogging and happen to have a free half-hour, especially if you lead a busy life like most of us and are tired at the end of the day.
Another important way to make exercise easier is to choose an activity that you actually enjoy—walking while listening to an audiobook, for example, or attending a class at your gym where good music drives up your energy level. Look for something you'd like to do, find a time when you can make it work with your schedule, and go!
Watch What You Put Into Your Body.
Avoid putting unhealthy substances into your body; nicotine, excess alcohol, and even excessive caffeine can take a toll on your health in the long run, but also make you feel lousy overall in your day-to-day life. In fact, it helps if you can avoid allowing toxic thinking patterns from exacerbating your stress levels as well. Find healthier ways to manage stress, and you'll enjoy double health and stress management benefits !
These are three important ways to take care of your body that you may not naturally think of as stress relievers. However, if you set goals to make these ideas a reality in your life, you'll feel the difference immediately, but will also see results in multiple areas of your life in the coming weeks and months. Few habits come without effort, but these three can make a significant impact on your life, and are well worth the effort.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Be hygienicly safe
Hygiene procedures
The premises mus t be kept in a clean and hygienic condition at all times.
Treatment areas such as benches should be cleaned between each client and/or a clean covering placed over the treatment surface.
To prevent cross contamination, all liquids, creams, inks and pigments must be decanted into single use containers, and a single use applicator must be used for each person undergoing the procedure.
If wax is used for hair removal, the wax and any instrument used to apply the wax (such as a spatula) must be immediately disposed after completing the procedure (no double dipping).
Sterile packaging should be opened just prior to starting the treatment.
Sterile parts of the equipment that will penetrate the skin should not be handled. (If handling sterile equipment is necessary, a sterile insertion tube, a pre-packed sterile alcohol swab, a sterile dry swab, or sterile single use gloves should be used).
Personal hygiene for beauticians
A clean gown or apron and single use gloves must be worn by the beautician during a skin penetration procedure (does not apply to hair removal using wax unless there is potential for exposure to any human bodily substances during the procedure).
Hands should be washed
before and after attending a client
before and after a procedure
after exposure to a body substance
after touching a clients surroundings and
after the removal of gloves. Human hygiene can not be overemphasized
Just have in mind that good health matters a lots.
The premises mus t be kept in a clean and hygienic condition at all times.
Treatment areas such as benches should be cleaned between each client and/or a clean covering placed over the treatment surface.
To prevent cross contamination, all liquids, creams, inks and pigments must be decanted into single use containers, and a single use applicator must be used for each person undergoing the procedure.
If wax is used for hair removal, the wax and any instrument used to apply the wax (such as a spatula) must be immediately disposed after completing the procedure (no double dipping).
Sterile packaging should be opened just prior to starting the treatment.
Sterile parts of the equipment that will penetrate the skin should not be handled. (If handling sterile equipment is necessary, a sterile insertion tube, a pre-packed sterile alcohol swab, a sterile dry swab, or sterile single use gloves should be used).
Personal hygiene for beauticians
A clean gown or apron and single use gloves must be worn by the beautician during a skin penetration procedure (does not apply to hair removal using wax unless there is potential for exposure to any human bodily substances during the procedure).
Hands should be washed
before and after attending a client
before and after a procedure
after exposure to a body substance
after touching a clients surroundings and
after the removal of gloves. Human hygiene can not be overemphasized
Just have in mind that good health matters a lots.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Hygienic personality
Personal hygiene refers to maintaining cleanliness of one's body and clothing to preserve overall health and well-being.
It includes a number of different activities related to the following general areas of self-care: washing or bathing, including cleansing oneself after using the toilet; taking proper care of the mouth; grooming and dressing; and keeping clothing clean. Bathing, dressing and undressing, and using the toilet are considered activities of daily living (ADLs), while doing one's laundry is considered an instrumental activity of daily living or IADL.
Personal hygiene is a preventive health measure that serves a senior's emotional, social, and physical well-being:
Cleanliness protects against the spread of disease from external parasites (such as body or head lice) or from contact with contaminated feces or other body fluids.
Proper washing and bathing protects the skin against rashes and sores from contact with urine or fecal matter.
Oral hygiene lowers the risk of malnutrition, swallowing difficulties, or infections caused by bacteria in the mouth getting into the bloodstream and other body tissues.
Maintaining personal hygiene lowers the risk of social embarrassment and eventual isolation from others.
With regard to emotional health, keeping oneself clean and neat improves morale and lowers the risk of depression.
Washing and toileting
Many seniors have difficulty with washing the hair and bathing or showering, although the reasons for the difficulty vary depending on whether the senior's loss of capacity is physical or mental. A senior with arthritis may find it physically awkward or painful to climb into a tub or to open shampoo bottles, whereas a senior with dementia may completely forget to bathe or shower.
The caregiver will need to ask several questions to assess whether and what type of help a senior might need in order to keep him- or herself clean:
Is the disability temporary or permanent?
Is it likely to get worse over time or stay at the same level?
What organ systems or parts of the body are affected? For example, a senior who has arthritis in the hands may need different types of household gadgets or assistive devices than one with arthritis in the hips and knees; similarly, a senior with an ostomy will need a different type of bathroom arrangement from one who is sight- or hearing-impaired.
Can the senior walk or move to the bathroom or are they completely bedridden?
It includes a number of different activities related to the following general areas of self-care: washing or bathing, including cleansing oneself after using the toilet; taking proper care of the mouth; grooming and dressing; and keeping clothing clean. Bathing, dressing and undressing, and using the toilet are considered activities of daily living (ADLs), while doing one's laundry is considered an instrumental activity of daily living or IADL.
Personal hygiene is a preventive health measure that serves a senior's emotional, social, and physical well-being:
Cleanliness protects against the spread of disease from external parasites (such as body or head lice) or from contact with contaminated feces or other body fluids.
Proper washing and bathing protects the skin against rashes and sores from contact with urine or fecal matter.
Oral hygiene lowers the risk of malnutrition, swallowing difficulties, or infections caused by bacteria in the mouth getting into the bloodstream and other body tissues.
Maintaining personal hygiene lowers the risk of social embarrassment and eventual isolation from others.
With regard to emotional health, keeping oneself clean and neat improves morale and lowers the risk of depression.
Washing and toileting
Many seniors have difficulty with washing the hair and bathing or showering, although the reasons for the difficulty vary depending on whether the senior's loss of capacity is physical or mental. A senior with arthritis may find it physically awkward or painful to climb into a tub or to open shampoo bottles, whereas a senior with dementia may completely forget to bathe or shower.
The caregiver will need to ask several questions to assess whether and what type of help a senior might need in order to keep him- or herself clean:
Is the disability temporary or permanent?
Is it likely to get worse over time or stay at the same level?
What organ systems or parts of the body are affected? For example, a senior who has arthritis in the hands may need different types of household gadgets or assistive devices than one with arthritis in the hips and knees; similarly, a senior with an ostomy will need a different type of bathroom arrangement from one who is sight- or hearing-impaired.
Can the senior walk or move to the bathroom or are they completely bedridden?
Living a healthy lifestyle
How can we live a healthy lifestyle?
A healthy lifestyle is not achieved overnight, but we have to be consistent. You have to follow a good plan based on healthy habits. By doing this, our bodies and minds will get in to a rhythm that will eventually become second nature. It’s common for people to have routines that are only a little healthy, or not healthy at all. Maybe that’s the way it is, because it’s easier and more comfortable than doing it correctly (or at least that’s the popular belief).
Due to the great misinformation that “ Dr. Google ” provides, it can be difficult to know what are the best avenues to take to create a healthy lifestyle. In this blog, you will find everything you need to get you moving towards a much healthier lifestyle as soon as possible. if you are unsure where to start,you have come to the right place!
What are the components of a healthy lifestyle?
From the perspective mentioned previously, it can be determined that some of the habits necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle are the following:
Physical exercise
It’s generally recommended that you should get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. Walking at a rapid pace is enough – as long as it gets your heart rate up!
The NHS states: “One way to do your recommended 150 minutes of weekly physical activity is to do 30 minutes on 5 days every week.”
This allows you to not only burn excess calories and strengthen muscles and bones, but also helps to control blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose levels. In addition, this contributes to a decrease in stress levels and helps you sleep better. It also helps you acquire a state of relaxation, avoid mood changes, improve self-esteem, and attain a state of personal satisfaction. It can also be a good way to develop a healthy social activity when the exercise is practiced with others.
A healthy lifestyle is not achieved overnight, but we have to be consistent. You have to follow a good plan based on healthy habits. By doing this, our bodies and minds will get in to a rhythm that will eventually become second nature. It’s common for people to have routines that are only a little healthy, or not healthy at all. Maybe that’s the way it is, because it’s easier and more comfortable than doing it correctly (or at least that’s the popular belief).
Due to the great misinformation that “ Dr. Google ” provides, it can be difficult to know what are the best avenues to take to create a healthy lifestyle. In this blog, you will find everything you need to get you moving towards a much healthier lifestyle as soon as possible. if you are unsure where to start,you have come to the right place!
What are the components of a healthy lifestyle?
From the perspective mentioned previously, it can be determined that some of the habits necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle are the following:
Physical exercise
It’s generally recommended that you should get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. Walking at a rapid pace is enough – as long as it gets your heart rate up!
The NHS states: “One way to do your recommended 150 minutes of weekly physical activity is to do 30 minutes on 5 days every week.”
This allows you to not only burn excess calories and strengthen muscles and bones, but also helps to control blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose levels. In addition, this contributes to a decrease in stress levels and helps you sleep better. It also helps you acquire a state of relaxation, avoid mood changes, improve self-esteem, and attain a state of personal satisfaction. It can also be a good way to develop a healthy social activity when the exercise is practiced with others.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Look beauty at all times.
You are so Beautiful just that you have not discovered it.
Delight Your Woman with a Surprise package of beauty.
One of the most crucial things for any relationship is to let your partner know how beautiful they are to you. That compliment is an important part of making your partner feel desirable and loved.
Most women feel happy when their significant other tells them how beautiful they are. It’s important to routinely remind your girlfriend that you find her attractive and care about her.
It is important to be loving and caring, so never to miss a chance to tell her how beautiful she is to you and how much you admire her, and don’t go too long without reminding her of how you feel. This consistent positive attention will build up your relationship, make your relationship stronger, and make her happier in the process.
When you see your love come walking down a flight of stairs, do you delight in the sight of her? Do you feel proud and happy to have her by your side? When you gaze at her does she sometimes strike you speechless? Does her beauty take your breath away? She can’t read minds so tell her how you feel and do it regularly. Be good to her.
Let her know how you feel by sending her one of the poetic quotes we have gathered for you here.
What is beauty? It is a question that has perplexed the philosophers and entranced the poets since we have had words in which to discuss the idea.
Even though beauty itself is quite subjective, mankind did evolve a set of standards, which has not actually turned out to be a good thing.
These so-called “beauty standards” have caused many women to doubt their own beauty, but every person is beautiful in their own way. When you want your partner to know how beautiful you find her, these quotes will help you discover the truths in your heart.
Stay tuned to blessed global services for more.
Delight Your Woman with a Surprise package of beauty.
One of the most crucial things for any relationship is to let your partner know how beautiful they are to you. That compliment is an important part of making your partner feel desirable and loved.
Most women feel happy when their significant other tells them how beautiful they are. It’s important to routinely remind your girlfriend that you find her attractive and care about her.
It is important to be loving and caring, so never to miss a chance to tell her how beautiful she is to you and how much you admire her, and don’t go too long without reminding her of how you feel. This consistent positive attention will build up your relationship, make your relationship stronger, and make her happier in the process.
When you see your love come walking down a flight of stairs, do you delight in the sight of her? Do you feel proud and happy to have her by your side? When you gaze at her does she sometimes strike you speechless? Does her beauty take your breath away? She can’t read minds so tell her how you feel and do it regularly. Be good to her.
Let her know how you feel by sending her one of the poetic quotes we have gathered for you here.
What is beauty? It is a question that has perplexed the philosophers and entranced the poets since we have had words in which to discuss the idea.
Even though beauty itself is quite subjective, mankind did evolve a set of standards, which has not actually turned out to be a good thing.
These so-called “beauty standards” have caused many women to doubt their own beauty, but every person is beautiful in their own way. When you want your partner to know how beautiful you find her, these quotes will help you discover the truths in your heart.
Stay tuned to blessed global services for more.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Stay healthy
Top 10 Health Tips for Men
An expert offers advice on how to boost your sex life, rev up your workouts, and live better.
Take charge of your health, gents. The sooner you do it, the better.
"It’s not cool for a guy to wait until he’s 50 to see a doctor," says Steven Lamm, MD, the medical director of NYU Langone Medical Center’s Preston Robert Tisch Center for Men’s Health. "Men need to care about their health above the waistline as well as below."
Here are his top 10 tips.
1. Find a doctor. Choose one you're comfortable with, so you can "openly discuss all aspects of your health, from your mental state to your sexual function to your overall wellness," Lamm says.
2. See that doctor. "Just because you are feeling well doesn’t mean you are well. Have a tendency toward denial? Don’t ignore things like black stools, vision loss , or chest pain . Unfortunately, men have a tendency to do just that."
3. Get informed . "You do want to be knowledgeable and understand that you shouldn’t ignore symptoms or complaints, but you don’t want to self-diagnose."
4. Vary your workouts . "The body gets very comfortable when you always do the same
workout . You have got to keep varying your exercises, and they have to be an age-appropriate mix of aerobics , muscle training, and stretching."
5. Eat to thrive. Getting enough nutrition is crucial. “It’s more important than anything else except maybe sleep,” Lamm says. “Focus on nutrients rather than calories,” and eat a variety of healthy foods. “You can’t achieve optimum nutrition with limited choices."
6. Prioritize sleep. "Get at least 7 hours. That’s not something you should compromise. Men think they can overcome sleep deprivation by exercising or whatever,” but that’s a bad idea, he says.
7. Check your head . " Mental health is really, really important. Think about several things: Are you drinking too much? Are you paying attention to signs of depression or bipolar disorder , which often get missed? If you have a family history of mental illness, suicide , and/or substance abuse, you really need someone to help you review the signs and symptoms."
8. Stay ready for sex. "When you’re stressed out, not sleeping, or drinking too much, you can’t get an erection on demand, and a man’s erection is a barometer for overall health. Exercising, eating well, and sleeping well are the best ways to be sure you’re a stud in the bedroom."
9. Care for your prostate. "The prostate grows as you get older. You’ll almost certainly have symptoms, like urinary problems. A really healthy, low-fat diet will reduce the likelihood of prostate growth and may reduce the risk of prostate cancer."
10. Enjoy yourself . "Look forward to every day, to doing something for yourself every day, whether it’s a run or listening to an audiobook or practicing meditation or yoga. Don’t save up all of your fun for vacation."
An expert offers advice on how to boost your sex life, rev up your workouts, and live better.
Take charge of your health, gents. The sooner you do it, the better.
"It’s not cool for a guy to wait until he’s 50 to see a doctor," says Steven Lamm, MD, the medical director of NYU Langone Medical Center’s Preston Robert Tisch Center for Men’s Health. "Men need to care about their health above the waistline as well as below."
Here are his top 10 tips.
1. Find a doctor. Choose one you're comfortable with, so you can "openly discuss all aspects of your health, from your mental state to your sexual function to your overall wellness," Lamm says.
2. See that doctor. "Just because you are feeling well doesn’t mean you are well. Have a tendency toward denial? Don’t ignore things like black stools, vision loss , or chest pain . Unfortunately, men have a tendency to do just that."
3. Get informed . "You do want to be knowledgeable and understand that you shouldn’t ignore symptoms or complaints, but you don’t want to self-diagnose."
4. Vary your workouts . "The body gets very comfortable when you always do the same
workout . You have got to keep varying your exercises, and they have to be an age-appropriate mix of aerobics , muscle training, and stretching."
5. Eat to thrive. Getting enough nutrition is crucial. “It’s more important than anything else except maybe sleep,” Lamm says. “Focus on nutrients rather than calories,” and eat a variety of healthy foods. “You can’t achieve optimum nutrition with limited choices."
6. Prioritize sleep. "Get at least 7 hours. That’s not something you should compromise. Men think they can overcome sleep deprivation by exercising or whatever,” but that’s a bad idea, he says.
7. Check your head . " Mental health is really, really important. Think about several things: Are you drinking too much? Are you paying attention to signs of depression or bipolar disorder , which often get missed? If you have a family history of mental illness, suicide , and/or substance abuse, you really need someone to help you review the signs and symptoms."
8. Stay ready for sex. "When you’re stressed out, not sleeping, or drinking too much, you can’t get an erection on demand, and a man’s erection is a barometer for overall health. Exercising, eating well, and sleeping well are the best ways to be sure you’re a stud in the bedroom."
9. Care for your prostate. "The prostate grows as you get older. You’ll almost certainly have symptoms, like urinary problems. A really healthy, low-fat diet will reduce the likelihood of prostate growth and may reduce the risk of prostate cancer."
10. Enjoy yourself . "Look forward to every day, to doing something for yourself every day, whether it’s a run or listening to an audiobook or practicing meditation or yoga. Don’t save up all of your fun for vacation."
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Beauty, a food for the eyes
All parts of the body should be taken care of so as to make them look neat, clean and beautiful. The body is kept clean by washing daily. Body cream should be applied to the body to make it smooth and smell nice. The face should be powdered and the hair combed. Men can also have haircuts in the barber's shop to make them look good.
2 Girls and women pack their hair in different ways to look beautiful. They can either wash and set their hair, plait, weave, straightens, wear hair extensions or wigs on their hair to look more attractive. They can also use make-up like eye pencil lipstick, eye shadow and eyeliner to beautify their faces. The fingernails can be cut regularly, shaped, coated with artificial nails and painted to make them look more attractive.
3 Other materials used to beautify the body are bangle earrings and necklaces. In the north, nose rings are worn by women. Any good outfit should have matching colours that would cover the body properly and beautify it. BLESSED GLOBAL
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Healthy nutrition good for you.
Healthy eating (diet and nutrition)
All humans have to eat food for growth and maintenance of a healthy body, but we humans have different nutrition requirements as infants, children (kids), teenagers, young adults, adults, and seniors. For example, infants may require feeding every 4 hours until they gradually age and begin to take in more solid foods.
Eventually they develop into the more normal pattern of eating three times per day as young kids. However, as most parents know, kids, teenagers, and young adults often snack between meals. Snacking is often not limited to these age groups because adults and seniors often do the same.
Eat three healthy meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner); it is important to remember that dinner does not have to be the largest meal.
The bulk of food consumption should consist of healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk products.
Incorporate lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts (with emphasis on beans and nuts) into a healthy diet.
Choose foods that are low in saturated fats , trans fats, cholesterol , salt (sodium), and added sugars; look at the labels because the first listed items on the labels comprise the highest concentrations of ingredients.
Control portion sizes; eat the smallest portion that can satisfy hunger and then stop eating.
Healthy snacks are OK in moderation and should consist of items like fruit, whole grains, or nuts to satisfy hunger and not cause excessive weight gain.
Avoid sodas and sugar -enhanced drinks because of the excessive calories in the sodas and sugar drinks; diet drinks may not be a good choice as they make some people hungrier and increase food consumption.
Avoid eating a large meal before sleeping to decrease gastroesophageal reflux and weight gain.
If a person is angry or depressed , eating will not solve these situations and may make the underlying problems worse.
Avoid rewarding children with sugary snacks; such a pattern may become a lifelong habit for people.
Avoid heavy meals in the summer months, especially during hot days.
A vegetarian lifestyle has been promoted for a healthy lifestyle and weight loss ; vegetarians should check with their physicians to be sure they are getting enough vitamins , minerals , and iron in their diet.
Cooking foods (above 165 F) destroys most harmful bacteria and other pathogens; if you choose to eat uncooked foods like fruits or vegetables, they should be thoroughly washed with running treated (safe to drink) tap water right before eating.
Avoid eating raw or undercooked meats of any type. Blessed global
All humans have to eat food for growth and maintenance of a healthy body, but we humans have different nutrition requirements as infants, children (kids), teenagers, young adults, adults, and seniors. For example, infants may require feeding every 4 hours until they gradually age and begin to take in more solid foods.
Eventually they develop into the more normal pattern of eating three times per day as young kids. However, as most parents know, kids, teenagers, and young adults often snack between meals. Snacking is often not limited to these age groups because adults and seniors often do the same.
Eat three healthy meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner); it is important to remember that dinner does not have to be the largest meal.
The bulk of food consumption should consist of healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk products.
Incorporate lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts (with emphasis on beans and nuts) into a healthy diet.
Choose foods that are low in saturated fats , trans fats, cholesterol , salt (sodium), and added sugars; look at the labels because the first listed items on the labels comprise the highest concentrations of ingredients.
Control portion sizes; eat the smallest portion that can satisfy hunger and then stop eating.
Healthy snacks are OK in moderation and should consist of items like fruit, whole grains, or nuts to satisfy hunger and not cause excessive weight gain.
Avoid sodas and sugar -enhanced drinks because of the excessive calories in the sodas and sugar drinks; diet drinks may not be a good choice as they make some people hungrier and increase food consumption.
Avoid eating a large meal before sleeping to decrease gastroesophageal reflux and weight gain.
If a person is angry or depressed , eating will not solve these situations and may make the underlying problems worse.
Avoid rewarding children with sugary snacks; such a pattern may become a lifelong habit for people.
Avoid heavy meals in the summer months, especially during hot days.
A vegetarian lifestyle has been promoted for a healthy lifestyle and weight loss ; vegetarians should check with their physicians to be sure they are getting enough vitamins , minerals , and iron in their diet.
Cooking foods (above 165 F) destroys most harmful bacteria and other pathogens; if you choose to eat uncooked foods like fruits or vegetables, they should be thoroughly washed with running treated (safe to drink) tap water right before eating.
Avoid eating raw or undercooked meats of any type. Blessed global
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Beauty is business
How to Look Your Best Every Day.
Looking your best every day includes everything from good hygiene to clothing choices and how you take care of yourself. It takes effort to achieve your best appearance, but it’s easy to do and maintain once you are in the habit of it. Start by perfecting your personal grooming and then work on incorporating more stylish pieces into your wardrobe. Then, take a look at how you might improve your appearance using healthy habits.
Method One of Three:
Improving Your Grooming Habits
Take a shower every day and whenever you’re sweaty. Taking a daily shower will help you to look and feel your best, so work this into your daily routine. Try taking a shower right after you wake up, after exercising, or before going to bed at night as a relaxing way to end your day. Use a mild soap or body wash to cleanse your skin, especially under your arms and your groin area. Then, rinse thoroughly and dry yourself off with a clean, dry towel.
Try applying moisturizer right after your shower. This will help to lock the moisture into your skin to keep it feeling soft.
Develop a facial skincare routine that works for you. A basic skincare routine involves cleansing your face, using a toner, and moisturizing your face twice daily. However, you may need to adjust your skincare routine based on your skin type, such as by washing your face 3 times daily if you have oily skin or only using toner once per day if you have dry or sensitive skin.
If you're prone to acne, choose skincare products that include anti-acne ingredients, such as benzoyl peroxide and retinol.
Some people also include exfoliation in their skincare routines, but try not to exfoliate more than twice per week as too much can irritate your skin.
Brush your teeth at least twice daily. Use a fluoride toothpaste to brush your teeth for 2 minutes after each meal or at least twice daily. Brush the front, back, and sides of all of your teeth. Then, follow brushing with flossing to get in between your teeth.
You may also consider using a whitening toothpaste or whitening strips to make your teeth look brighter.
Shampoo your hair every 2 days. You don’t need to shampoo your hair every day, but washing your hair with shampoo once every other day or every third day is important to control oil and keep your hair looking its best. Use a shampoo that suits your hair type and follow it up with conditioner.
You can also use dry shampoo on days when you don’t wash your hair to help perk it up.
Trim your fingernails once per week to keep them looking neat. Use nail clippers and a nail file to trim down your nails and shape them with a nail file to neaten the edges. You can also apply clear nail polish to make your nails look shiny, or apply a colorful nail polish, if you like.
Try giving yourself a manicure once per week for beautiful looking nails.
Blessedglobalt cares about you
Looking your best every day includes everything from good hygiene to clothing choices and how you take care of yourself. It takes effort to achieve your best appearance, but it’s easy to do and maintain once you are in the habit of it. Start by perfecting your personal grooming and then work on incorporating more stylish pieces into your wardrobe. Then, take a look at how you might improve your appearance using healthy habits.
Method One of Three:
Improving Your Grooming Habits
Take a shower every day and whenever you’re sweaty. Taking a daily shower will help you to look and feel your best, so work this into your daily routine. Try taking a shower right after you wake up, after exercising, or before going to bed at night as a relaxing way to end your day. Use a mild soap or body wash to cleanse your skin, especially under your arms and your groin area. Then, rinse thoroughly and dry yourself off with a clean, dry towel.
Try applying moisturizer right after your shower. This will help to lock the moisture into your skin to keep it feeling soft.
Develop a facial skincare routine that works for you. A basic skincare routine involves cleansing your face, using a toner, and moisturizing your face twice daily. However, you may need to adjust your skincare routine based on your skin type, such as by washing your face 3 times daily if you have oily skin or only using toner once per day if you have dry or sensitive skin.
If you're prone to acne, choose skincare products that include anti-acne ingredients, such as benzoyl peroxide and retinol.
Some people also include exfoliation in their skincare routines, but try not to exfoliate more than twice per week as too much can irritate your skin.
Brush your teeth at least twice daily. Use a fluoride toothpaste to brush your teeth for 2 minutes after each meal or at least twice daily. Brush the front, back, and sides of all of your teeth. Then, follow brushing with flossing to get in between your teeth.
You may also consider using a whitening toothpaste or whitening strips to make your teeth look brighter.
Shampoo your hair every 2 days. You don’t need to shampoo your hair every day, but washing your hair with shampoo once every other day or every third day is important to control oil and keep your hair looking its best. Use a shampoo that suits your hair type and follow it up with conditioner.
You can also use dry shampoo on days when you don’t wash your hair to help perk it up.
Trim your fingernails once per week to keep them looking neat. Use nail clippers and a nail file to trim down your nails and shape them with a nail file to neaten the edges. You can also apply clear nail polish to make your nails look shiny, or apply a colorful nail polish, if you like.
Try giving yourself a manicure once per week for beautiful looking nails.
Blessedglobalt cares about you
Friday, November 1, 2019
Beauty and truely beauty
What is your definition of true beauty? Is it a drop-dead bombshell with stunning hair, perfect bone structure and eye lashes that reach the sky? By the massive amount of YouTube videos focusing on how to enhance the way we look with all sorts of beauty products and tricks, it should come to no surprise that our culture may be a bit confused about the true meaning of beauty. What is true beauty?
Read on and find out the 15 differences between beautiful people as the YouTube world and media see it and truly beautiful people.
1. Beautiful people are easily overlooked, while truly beautiful people have an everlasting effect.
Charm can be deceiving and beauty fades away, but true beauty never does! While beautiful people are more focused on the passing beauty and fading good looks, truly beautiful people understand that true beauty comes from within; it is the source of kindness and love you display towards everyone around you. Kindness is what makes true beauty come to life and no one can ever take it away from you. It can last forever.
2. Beautiful people fit in, while truly beautiful people do not conform.
While beautiful people strive to look like the model on the magazine, truly beautiful people strive for individuality. What makes you truly beautiful is not how you conform to the ideas of the world, but how you make the world conform to your ideas and your beautiful mind.
3. Beautiful people are generic, while truly beautiful people are like a masterpiece.
Mozart began writing music at age 6. Three centuries later, his music is still admired and inspires millions around the world. Truly beautiful people are very much like Mozart’s compositions; they have the power to impact lives and inspire the world even after hundreds of years have passed.
4. Beautiful people are selfish, while truly beautiful people focus on giving.
Unlike superficial beauty which is mostly focused on fulfilling selfish desires, true beauty comes from what the heart gives. The selfless smile you give away, the hug you share with a friend in tears, and the food you make to share with those in need—that’s what makes you truly beautiful!
5. Beautiful people seek perfection, while truly beautiful people embrace imperfection.
There is something beautiful about imperfections: it features your incomparable qualities; it makes you human. While beautiful people may think beauty is found in the flawless skin, size 2, stunning tan and long flowing hair; truly beautiful people understand beauty is instead found in the birthmarks, the extra little fat around the waist, the messy hair when you first wake up and the real you without make up. True beauty is found in how imperfect you are and how real you dare to be. Blessedglobal
Read on and find out the 15 differences between beautiful people as the YouTube world and media see it and truly beautiful people.
1. Beautiful people are easily overlooked, while truly beautiful people have an everlasting effect.
Charm can be deceiving and beauty fades away, but true beauty never does! While beautiful people are more focused on the passing beauty and fading good looks, truly beautiful people understand that true beauty comes from within; it is the source of kindness and love you display towards everyone around you. Kindness is what makes true beauty come to life and no one can ever take it away from you. It can last forever.
2. Beautiful people fit in, while truly beautiful people do not conform.
While beautiful people strive to look like the model on the magazine, truly beautiful people strive for individuality. What makes you truly beautiful is not how you conform to the ideas of the world, but how you make the world conform to your ideas and your beautiful mind.
3. Beautiful people are generic, while truly beautiful people are like a masterpiece.
Mozart began writing music at age 6. Three centuries later, his music is still admired and inspires millions around the world. Truly beautiful people are very much like Mozart’s compositions; they have the power to impact lives and inspire the world even after hundreds of years have passed.
4. Beautiful people are selfish, while truly beautiful people focus on giving.
Unlike superficial beauty which is mostly focused on fulfilling selfish desires, true beauty comes from what the heart gives. The selfless smile you give away, the hug you share with a friend in tears, and the food you make to share with those in need—that’s what makes you truly beautiful!
5. Beautiful people seek perfection, while truly beautiful people embrace imperfection.
There is something beautiful about imperfections: it features your incomparable qualities; it makes you human. While beautiful people may think beauty is found in the flawless skin, size 2, stunning tan and long flowing hair; truly beautiful people understand beauty is instead found in the birthmarks, the extra little fat around the waist, the messy hair when you first wake up and the real you without make up. True beauty is found in how imperfect you are and how real you dare to be. Blessedglobal
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